I have the great pleasure, to announce the Film premiere of my new TimeLapse Shortfilm "Urban. Mountain. Sky", produced with the City of Innsbruck (Innsbruckmarketing.com) and TinyType (Audiocallygraphy.com)
taking place at the Innsbruck Metropol Cinema (1 Minute Walk from Innsbruck's Historic Old Town Centre) on June 25th, from 18:30 or 6.30 p.m. No admittance, open to the public. Entrance is open from 17:30 or 5:30 p.m.
- "Making of Urban. Mountain. Sky", introducing Speakers Mag. Johannes Kostenzer of the Tiroler Umweltanwaltschaft (with special Project Hellenot.org) and more
- Short Lecture by Special Guest Babak A. Tafreshi, Founder of Twanight.org
- Premiere!
- Q & A, finishing around 19:30 or 7:30 p.m.
- short walk over (5 Minutes) to the Treibhaus Culture Cafe, UMS Premiere Party, lectures by Dr. Dietmar Hager of AEC Linz and Bernd Pröschold of Sternstunden.net
CU Soon